Looking at what we do from a different persepctive
We thought it would be fun to share some questions that have come up and should help our kids understand what we do. And maybe some of you, too.

"You talk a lot about AI. What is that?"
AI is Artificial Intelligence. It is the process where humans program a computer to think like us. Once we input the information and “tell” it what we want to learn, the computer begins to solve very complex problems and make predictions to help us humans answer difficult questions. This happens millions of times faster than we can do as humans, too. At Predictive Oncology, we use AI to help cancer researchers find better drug treatments for cancer.

"How about drug discovery and drug formulation? What do they mean and how are they different?"
It can take researchers years, likely more than a decade, to develop a drug. That’s longer than some of you have been alive! It takes so long because they need to make sure it’s safe and it works to cure the patient. This process is divided into two parts: The first stage is called drug discovery and happens in the lab. The second is drug development when the drug makes it to humans through clinical trials.
Before a possible drug goes to clinical trials, researchers conduct experiments to ‘discover’ a drug molecule that is safe for humans and will work to cure the disease. This is a difficult and long task. At Predictive Oncology, we can help advance this drug research through our use of AI and our ability to test it in tissues of more than 150,000 tumor samples.

"How does Predictive Oncology help people with cancer"
At Predictive Oncology, we help scientists with their cancer research. We do this by using artificial intelligence and narrow down the millions of possible drug molecules to just a few that are most likely to work in the type of cancer they are looking to cure. (That is way more information than a human brain can process, but a computer can crunch through that information in just hours!) With our collection of over 150,000 tumor samples and 30 types of cancer to test with these predictions, our scientists can use this technology to help determine the best matches of drug molecules and tumor samples. Ultimately, we want to help researchers develop better drugs that can cure many cancer patients.

"I was wondering... who needs your products?"
Most drug discovery and development is done by pharmaceutical companies. However, cancer research is also done at universities, institutes and research organizations. All of these researchers can buy and benefit from using Predictive Oncology’s artificial intelligence platform.

"During my high school business class, we’ve been talking about the stock market. Why would I want to invest in Predictive Oncology?"
Predictive Oncology is the only artificial intelligence company able to bring data from more than 150,000 tumor samples into the predictions of our platform. Investing in Predictive Oncology is an investment in leading-edge technology that improves the cancer drug discovery and development process. Most importantly, you have an opportunity to own a fraction of a company that is helping bring cancer treatments to patients who need it